Life is Joy and Frustration

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Engineers reunion

Last Friday I went to a reunion of the engineers that studied in Ghent. It was nice to see a lot of people after ten years. What surprised me was that most of them hardly changed. One man had become fatter, and one woman had shorter hair, but the others I recognized immediately!

Are we aging slower because of a better lifestyle? Or are engineers living healthier? The strange thing is that I hardly know any engineers who smoke. Of the about 50 engineering students I knew at the university, only 3 smoked, and one didn't finish the studies. This is amazingly little compared to the entire population. I think people who smoke are the people who have a I-don't-care-about-tomorrow-and-I-wanna-be-cool-now attitude, and they are not likely to study hard. On the other hand, stress and heavy meals (Belgian culture, you know) are a substantial part of an engineers life, so I don't think engineers are healthier.

Or did only the good looking ones show up? I know another engineer who looks ten years older than he really is, so maybe that's it.

I'm 33 now, and I am constantly estimated to be at least 5 years younger. Not bad, since I'm single, and I prefer to be interesting to single women who are mostly younger :-) Telling my real age is always tricky, they're always shocked.


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